Saturday, 18 May 2013

Well Done Niki

Daughter #2 decided last year not to go to university: the cost was too high compared to her lack of passion to study anything further.  Given that she got better A'level results than the rest of us put together it was definitely a choice rather than a lack of choice.  18 months previously she'd started working part time at a new bowling alley, and so she negotiated full time hours with them, albeit on a casual contract.

Since then during the last 12 months, she's gone from party host and receptionist, to bar staff, to shift supervisor, to licensee, to acting duty manager - all on the casual contract.  She's bought herself a convertible (from savings) and has found herself a lovely young man.   But after yesterday, my friends, I can confirm that my lovely Niki has taken her next step on the ladder, and is now a legitimate, permanent contract, Duty Manager . . . Still 18 and a manager!

Well done Niki, really pleased for you, and really proud of you!  Love you xxxx


  1. That's awesome! Not going to uni was obviously a good decision.

  2. Well done Niki I am very proud of you!

  3. Not going to Uni was obviously the right choice for Niki. Congrats all round it sounds like you have a future industry tycoon there Benta!

  4. Well done Niki! Splendid news. Of course, in her spare time(!)if she wanted to build on her A'Levels, she could always study part time. Openings courses for the Open University are very affordable, although it gets a bit more expensive after get to find out whether that method of study would suit.

  5. Very proud of another granddaughter. Hasn't she done well!!! xxx


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