Friday 18 April 2014

Blissful Blocks in Bulk

Oh the bliss of working on blocks with a friend! This afternoon we had a production line going - Me cutting, Jackie sewing, me pressing, Jackie sewing!

From blocks


To half square triangles


to *lots* of HSTs (half square triangles)


Each HST opens to a square


These can be pivoted to make the pinwheel

Pinwheels are then arranged ...


We had planned on leaving a gap between each block (sashing) but felt it was looking a bit bland ...
So we look away the gaps: and doesn't it look great! Hope you like it Tara!


(thanks Katy for your suggestions: we sorted the directional fabric so they "flow", and put the flowery fabrics in groups of similar colours)

And THANK YOU JACKIE! Team work is such fun :-)

Two crafts in one day, so two posts in one day!!!!!



  1. It was a wonderful day but what will we do tomorrow ????

  2. If I were going to quilt, I would have to borrow Jackie.
    Your pinwheels are coming together nicely. Gorgeous.

  3. I am in LOVE!! I can't wait to hold it and snuggle!! Thank you so much, Benta and Jackie!! I am absolutely thrilled with how it came out! It's everything I ever dreamed of!

  4. Great teamwork and a super result!


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